
Woodlands and Forests in the Netherlands

Woodlands and Forests in the Netherlands

(The % of land covered by woodland or forests varies tremendously from country to country - throughout Europe.   The nordic countries such as Norway and Sweden, have large forests and therefore a high % cover, but others such as the U.K., Ireland and the Netherlands are amongst the least 'wooded'.

At present, the % woodland in the Netherlands is about 11%.  In part, this is due to the fact that the Netherlands is Europe's most densely populated country (with 394 people per square kilometer).  There is a network of small and medium sized cities spread across the country; much of the land is used for agriculture.  However, the State Forestry Commision has developed a (3 billion euro) plan to increase the country's wooded / forested areas by some 100,000 hectares.  This would represent an increase of some 25% in the wooded area.

Planting will occur in some of the unbuilt land near to Rotterdam, Amsterdam, The Hague and Utrecht (the largest cities)  and also on a large tract of peaty land near the German border (Drenthe).  In addition to planting in such areas, existing woodland would be added to and there is a scheme to create temporary green areas - e.g. planting fast growing trees on ex-industrial land or in fields that are lying fallow.  These could be handed back for agricultural use or development at a later stage - but it might be possible to create a dynamic, changing matrix that would allow for a generation of tree growth and then re-use for other purposes.

Such schemes would boost

  • domestic timber production,
  • reduce carbon emissions (more trees to absorb carbon dioxide) and also
  • provide areas for leisure activities (walking, cycling)

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I would like to know what trees would be associated with the planting of woodland in Holland. What is the character of the soil? Does it vary from place to place as in the UK? Is there likely to be a preponderance of softwood conifers planted rather than the deciduous natural woodlands in UK?


4 January, 2022