
About WoodlandsTV

WoodlandsTV brings woodlands to your phone or laptop!

Established in 2008, we have produced over 200 films - we tell stories from the woods, explain how to do unusual things outdoors and give you the taste and smell of British woodlands. We've had over 3.5 million viewings of our films and thousands of comments on the content - some of which were positive and many of which are funny.

WoodlandsTV is about people and about woodlands - it's about both conservation and enjoyment.

Please email us if you have an idea about what we should be making a new film about. Usually our films are 5-7 minutes long, they are about people in woodlands and they tell you something you didn't already know. If we make a film about you or your enterprise you can use it for your website or to show friends what you get up to on the days when you disappear into the forest.

Our main film-makers are:

Colette Scott and Dan Bridge of Adliberate

email: [email protected]