
Community Woodlands Project request


Anywhere in Wales or the highlands or Scotland.


My wife and I are looking for some woodland in Wales or north Scotland that we can manage in a sustainable way as well as live on in a low impact eco home made from local materials with no pollution or waste.  We believe we need to become more self sufficient  in our home lives as resources and fossil fuels begin to run out, with global warming (either man made or natural) happening we need to learn to be more self reliant.  If you have woodland you don't know what to do with and don't want to sell or maybe even haven't been able to sell then please think of us.  There are many benefits to people living on and managing woodland, it has been done for thousands of years before the modern era. Coppicing tress provides materials and fuel as well as encouraging bio-diversity. Insects, land mammals and many different types of birds use coppiced woodland for nesting and feeding etc.  Coppicing allows for an endless source of renewables. As well as managing the woodland we would creat charcoal to sell, craft items from wood and clay and grow and bake for the local fairs and markets. This would bring an income into your forest that as an owner you would receive a share of.  I have been working in administration for Cardiff council since I left collage but have become disillusioned with our society so am looking to get into a more sustainable and renewable way of living. My wife works in retail but as we want to start a family in the next five years we want to plan a healthier place to live for that time.  I have been researching sustainable living and woodland management for over a year now and have some hands on experience via volunteering.  We would also think about teaching others to become self sufficient and maybe expand if land allows to more people and encourage close ties with any local communities.  With the state of the economy we haven't been able to raise enough funds to buy any land for ourselves and it doesn't look too hopeful any time soon.  This is why WE NEED YOUR HELP LANDOWNERS!! Please get in touch. 


[email protected]

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Are you looking for a woodland to use for a project?

Enter your details in the form below and we will publicise your project to woodland owners. Your contact details will be made public, so that wood owners can contact you directly.

Please include details such as the potential community benefits of your project, your relevant experience, and how often you would be looking to use the woodland (whether one-off, seasonal, full-time, etc).

Please note that there will be a short delay while your submission is approved before it appears on the site.