
Community Woodlands Project request


KENT, 30 miles of Folestone


I am a tutor at an alternative curriculum provision in Folkestone. We provide alternate educational opportunities and life skills to disengaged and disaffected students aged 14-16. I am interested in finding some woodland that I can use to visit with small groups of students, to carry out forest school activities such as campfire cooking ( I have completed the Earth Craft UK campfire management certificate). In return we would help with management of the woodland such as clearing deadfall / brambles, mending fencing etc whatever was required.Obviously we would like to only impact positively on the woods and would not cause any nuisance


[email protected]

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Are you looking for a woodland to use for a project?

Enter your details in the form below and we will publicise your project to woodland owners. Your contact details will be made public, so that wood owners can contact you directly.

Please include details such as the potential community benefits of your project, your relevant experience, and how often you would be looking to use the woodland (whether one-off, seasonal, full-time, etc).

Please note that there will be a short delay while your submission is approved before it appears on the site.