
Stone Age Hunter Gatherers

By woodlandstv

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Here historical expert Martin Patterson shares his vast knowledge of the Stone Age Hunter Gatherer period. His passion and skill is obvious as he shows us a range of replica tools and equipment he has fashioned from natural materials including a flint-headed axe, a scythe from deer antler, a fire-hardened digging stick and a range of spears for hunting - explaining how these would have been used and maintained in the Stone Age. Martin shows us needles from bone; how pine resin, soot and bees wax can make a sort of glue and how stinging nettle fibre would have been used like string to make trapping nets. He stresses the importance of looking after the natural environment - then and now - to encourage new growth and to ensure a regular harvest. http://www.handsonhistory.co.uk/. An Adliberate film http://www.adliberate.co.uk for WoodlandsTV http://www.woodlands.co.uk/tv

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Great upload. Really interesting.

Gan Ainm

May 22, 2017

Very enjoyable and interesting. More please!


May 23, 2017

Proto indo European people did not originate from africa, they came from northern europe we are not related to black africans this has been proven


January 15, 2018

us native americans are not dumbwnough like you young white people we allready know what is right and wrong to eat how dare you imply that we are dumb and would tell our young men to die for a fruit or root

Arcadio Flores

January 21, 2018

the power ultimately all humans came from Africa, the proto Indo eouropeans might not have been African but he's referring to the upper paleolithic homo sapians who came up from Africa and into the Middle East into Europe

christopher snedeker

February 3, 2018

christopher snedeker africans wuz kangz

Bing Bong

February 14, 2018

Bing Bong nah they where hunter gatherers like everyone else at the time

christopher snedeker

February 14, 2018

No, dey wuz kangz!

Bing Bong

February 14, 2018

Bing Bong this meme is old and beaten to death

christopher snedeker

February 17, 2018

He gets it right i say. Those statuettes of women are claimed to represent the birth of religion, Mother Goddess cult etc….bullshit.
Simply people respecting life in nature.

Forest Dweller

April 22, 2018