
SOLD: Darag Wood £69,000 Freehold


Darag Wood sits in a fairly central location relative to the wider woodland, nestled between the two core access tracks that service the wider woodland. The entrance to Darag Wood is from the upper track, sitting in a fairly open area that has the scope for additional tree planting; it could also be a great position for any woodland shelter

A bench has been installed a short distance from the area of hard standing, looking out across the woodland and up to the significant mountain of Meall Fuar-mhonaidh 699m, listed as 106th in the table of Grahams, mountains between 2,000-2,500 feet.

Below the bench is an enchanting area of the woodland: with a high rise on two sides it has the feel of the alps. In spring and summer this area is full of wildflowers. It really is quite a special woodland!

The purchasers of the woodland will be asked to enter into a covenant

There is a growing interest in hut, bothy and temporary shelter building, especially in Scotland; for those interested in erecting a hut or shelter, here is some interesting and very helpful guidance from Reforesting Scotland’s Thousand Hut Campaign. Your Local Planning Authority should also be consulted.


Trees in general are steeped in folklore being a constant for thousands of years: it is easy to forget in the age of plastic just how integral knowledge of trees would have been. Birchwood for example would have been used to write on, to make drums, to use for medicinal purposes, to make fire with and so the list goes on..


The woods at Grotaig are rich in wildlife with a heatlhy bird population and regular visits from deer and wild boar. It is a great example of how the richer and more varied the landscape is, the richer and more varied the wildlife becomes. These woods have been fairly untouched and it's hoped that future woodland owners will help preserve this oasis.


A small stream meanders through the wood providing water for all manner of woodland creatures and will be invaluable for the woodland owner.

Access, tracks and footpaths

There is a good stone track leading to the wood with a generous area of hard standing that will provide parking and could be useful as a timber stacking area. There are no defined paths as the woodland is very open and easy to traverse.

Rights and covenants

All sporting rights are sold with the woodland.


These woods are the perfect backdrop for many bushcraft activities and will provide inspiration for those seeking solace from nature. Each season providing new things to observe from an eclectic mix of wildflowers to a rich supply of mushrooms and fungi in late summer.

Local area and history

Darag Wood is nestled between Drumnadrochit and Invermoriston, at one time the main woodland track connected the two settlements as a droving road. It is perfectly located to explore nearby Glen Affric described as the most beautiful glen in Scotland and is home to one of the largest remnants of the ancient Caledonian Forest. To the north and east is the bustling city of Inverness and the nearby Black Isle, a popular tourist destination as well as dolphin watching.

Closer to home is the nearby Urquhart Castle fought over several times by English and Scottish forces: no doubt the woods would have been part of the hunting grounds of this once grand castle.

To the south west is Fort Augustus, further still Fort William and the great Nevis range and the delights of the West Coast.

Wood maps

This wood is now sold, please do not visit the wood without the permission of the owner.

Find this wood

This wood is now sold, please do not visit the wood without the permission of the owner.


  • OS Landranger: OS No. 26
  • Grid ref: NH 488 232
  • Nearest post code: IV63 6XH
  • GPS coordinates: 57.2746, -4.50814

Location map


From Inverness:

  • Follow the A82 in the direction of Fort William
  • Contnue to Drumnadrochit and pass through the village.
  • Take the second right after the garage signposted to Bunloit.
  • The road rises steeply. Continue till the end of the road. Approx. 4 miles.
  • You will see a number of hand painted signs for the Pottery, this is also your destination.
  • At the end of the road there is parking for the great glen way. Please park here and continue on foot. It will take about 25 minutes to walk from here along a good forest track.
  • From this parking area bear right and continue westwards along the track which bends round and over a vehicle bridge.
  • Into a small collection of dwellings and on your left is the Pottery. Please take the track opposite the pottery, continue past a house and other huts on the right hand side.
  • Keep straight ahead and emerge from the shelter of the trees until you see the woodlands for sale sign by the five bar gate.
  • Continue on the recently re-surfaced woodland track for about 500m, the woodland is on your right hand side.

How we support our buyers

Membership of the small woodland owners’ group

£300 for a woodland course of your choice

One year's free membership of the royal forestry society

Please note this wood is owned by woodlands.co.uk.

Our regional managers are often out working in our woodlands, so if you email an offer and want to be sure it has been received, please phone our manager on their mobile phone. The first offer at the stated price which is accepted, whether by phone or email, has priority.

Please take care when viewing as the great outdoors can contain unexpected hazards and woodlands are no exception. You should exercise common sense and caution, such as wearing appropriate footwear and avoiding visiting during high winds.

These particulars are for guidance only and, though believed to be correct, do not form part of any contract. Woodland Investment Management Ltd hereby give notice under section 21 of the Estate Agents Act 1979 of their interest in the land being sold.

A diverse Highland woodland, rich in wildflowers, close to Loch Ness and within easy reach of Inverness.

Managed by Torquil Varty and Rachel Bower

Telephone: 01307 467393

Telephone: 07803 903 203

Email: [email protected]