
New Welsh grant – Glastir Small Grants Scheme to open

New Welsh grant - Glastir Small Grants Scheme to open

After a considerable period during which only woodland creation grants have been available, a new opportunity to apply for woodland grants has been announced in Wales.  The Small Grants Scheme offers grants of up to £5,000 per customer for capital works which reduce carbon emissions, improve water quality, reduce flood risks and increase Wales’ native biodiversity.

The first Expression of Interest window will open on June 27th and closes on July 29th; it will concentrate on measures which help to lock up carbon. This includes funding for projects such as small woodland planting, tree planting and hedgerow creation and restoration. It is a competitive selection process, rather than strictly first come, first served, so the better the application the more likely it is to be successful.

Glastir Small Grants is funded through the Welsh Government and the European Commission to form part of the Welsh Government Rural Communities – Rural Development Programme for Wales for 2014 to 2020.

Visit : http://gov.wales/newsroom/environmentandcountryside/2016/160613-glastir-small-grants-scheme/?lang=en

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Any similar grants available in East Anglia for 25acres of ancient woodland?

katherine harris

26 June, 2016

any similar project available in Scotland? l would be interest for my 10 acres because lm planting edges and trees to change from spruce trees


23 June, 2016