
This flower can be found across the UK, it grows in shady areas at the edge of woodlands, in hedgerows and on roadside verges (may be found in gardens). It can sometimes grow to a height of a metre. Sometimes known as wood woundwort, hedge nettle, sometimes red archangel. It is a member of the mint family (Lamiaceae). It was much used by the famous 17th century herbalist John Gerard.
The leaves occur in pairs on opposite sides of the stem. They are toothed, and sometimes described a ‘heart shaped’ and, like the stem, ‘hairy’. The stem is square in cross section and green / purple in colour.

The inflorescence forms a dense terminal spike and is composed of dense whorls. The individual flowers are dark purple with white markings towards the centre. The petals form a ‘hooded structure’, which like the leaves and stem is also ‘hairy’. There are four stamens, two long and two short. The flowers are a particular favourite of pollinators. Hedge Woundwort is capable of producing many seeds, and can also spread using underground rhizomes. It is a perennial.

A marsh woundwort